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Reise in das innere Nordamerika, 2 Bände Maximilian Prinz zu Wied
The Mystic Warriors of the Plains Th. E. Mails
The Book of Buckskinning W. Scurlock
Quill and Beadwork of the Western Sioux Carrie A. Lyford
The Mountain Mans Sketch Books, Vol. 1 und 2 J. A. Hanson
Teton Sioux Music and Culture F. Densmore
Die Indianer Nordamerikas George Catlin
Songs and Dances of the Lakota Ben Black Bear und R. D. Theisz
Hau Kola Barbara A. Hail
Brain Tanning the Sioux Way Larry Belitz
Lakol Wokiksuye H. Lomosits, P. Harbough
Lakota Society J. R. Walker
Mythos Wild West Heinz Bründl
Die Plains- und Prärieindianer Horst Hartmann
War Dance William K. Powers
The Indian Tipi Reginald and Gladys Laubin
The American Fur Trade Vol. 1 & 2 Hiram Martin Chittenden
Firearms, Traps & Tools of the Mountain Men Carl P. Russel